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Linux, the free operating system, is known for its stability and
reliability, which allows it to run critical applications continuously
for months, and outperform commercial operating systems.
The free source code made it possible to port Linux to various platforms,
from palm-computers up to supercomputers and clusters of hundreds of
distributed computers.
With those qualities, it is no surprise that Linux usage grew by 212%
during 1998 (source: IDC), and that it became a threat to mighty
Linux is opening 1999 in a big way - three revolutions are taking place
those days:
- The biggest software vendors announce Linux support and Linux ports
for their products.
- The biggest hardware vendors announce Linux support for their
hardware and delivery of Linux based systems.
- Some long-term projects have come into fruition - Linux has gained a
new kernel, friendly desktop environments, a new file and printer
server, libraries, etc. A real breakthrough indeed.
Linux has enjoyed impressive growth even before those revolutions took
place. So one is led to wonder where Linux will go this year. There is
no doubt that Linux is the hottest thing today.
Now everybody is smart and knows this. However the most serious ones were
the first who have gone for Linux and announced commitment to this
operating system: Oracle and Compaq worldwide, and PF1 Systems in Israel.
Those three, together with Israeli Linux Users' Group, are proud to invite
you to participate in the first big Linux event in Israel. The event will
take place, as part of the Internet World exhibition, on Feb 25, 1999,
between the hours 09:00-14:00, hall 1, Ganey-HaTaarucha, Tel-Aviv.
- Getting together
- Keynote: Dr. Yossi Vardi, ICQ
Users are the Killer App
- Dr. Joel Isaacson
Open Source Computing: The Next Wave
- Nahum Greenberg, PF1 Systems
Linux Applications for Business
- Eli Marmor
Linux 1999: Statistics and Directions
- Prof. Amnon Barak, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem
MOSIX for Scalable Cluster Computing in Linux
- Marek Roll, Compaq
Compaq Enters into the Linux Era
- Haim Rotenberg, Oracle
Oracle and Linux
- Live Demonstrations
All lectures will be delivered in Hebrew.
The event requires pre-registration by means of the attached form.
To see the credits, click here.