********************************************************************** * Welcome to the World-Wide-Heb (WWH) !!! This mailing list is used * * to update its members with the news of the WWH site, that includes * * everything about Hebrew support in general, and in the Internet in * * particular. Anyone can join or leave the list anytime, by e-mail: * * wwh@elmar.co.il (no special syntax is needed!). Your details will * * be kept confidential. Average updates period: Once a month. * * To read previous updates: http://www.elmar.co.il/wwh/whats_new/ * **********************************************************************"What's New" Archive:26.2.97 - Current "What's New"
********************************************************************** * The World-Wide-Heb is an Internet site, managed by El-Mar Software * * Ltd., and intended to include Hebrew stuff, links, Hebrew software * * and fonts, articles, algorithms, English/Hebrew glossaries, Hebrew * * support for Internet services, etc. The site, itself, is supported * * with special infrastructure, enabling its reading using any method * * of bi-directionality (no reverse of Hebrew texts) and even with no * * Hebrew fonts in the browser! Surprises are expected in the future, * * so it is recommended to join the list now. Thanks in advance !!! * **********************************************************************